CREATED: 27.05.2024UPDATED: 27.05.2024

How to Make Money From Home as a Mom

How to Make Money From Home as a Mom

If you’re a mom, you know it’s a full-time gig. But what if there were ways to earn some extra cash without leaving home or having to hire a babysitter? Sounds pretty awesome, right? Luckily, it can be done. Read on to learn about some of the possible ways to earn money as a stay-at-home mom and/or housewife.

Freelance Writing – When Your Words Turn Into Money

First up, let’s talk about freelance writing. If you have a way with words and a story to tell, you might be suited to freelance writing. You would get paid to write from your couch while the kiddos are napping or playing.

Freelance writing is fantastic if you’re creative and enjoy scribbling about whatever comes to mind. It could be engaging blog posts, detailed articles, compelling marketing copy, or, if you’re bold, creative writing and storytelling. There’s a client out there who needs your skills. First you need a portfolio, though. No need for anything fancy – a blog or a few writing samples will do. You could write about anything that interests you, from parenting tips and delicious recipes, computers and science, to travel adventures and health advice.

Upwork, Fiverr, and LinkedIn are great sites to find clients who need your writing knowledge. On these platforms, you create a profile that shows your writing talents, and potential clients can reach out to hire you for their projects. You can choose what projects you’ll work on – talk about flexibility.

Here’s a pro tip: Start small. Take on a few smaller projects to build up your experience and confidence. Over time, you can increase rates and take on more complex assignments. And don’t forget to join online writing communities – they’re great if you want to network, find support, meet new friends, and get tips on finding gigs.

Virtual Assistance – Sit on a Sofa and Help People

Virtual Assistance – Sit on a Sofa and Help People

Next, you can be a virtual assistant. Virtual assistants manage emails, schedule appointments, reject unwanted calls, and handle social media.

Virtual assisting is perfect for moms because there’s plenty of tasks you can choose from depending on your strengths. If you’re organized, good with communication, and tech-savvy, this could be a great fit. You might be managing someone’s calendar, booking travel arrangements, or even conducting research.

The best part is that you can work around your kids’ schedules and pick tasks that match your skills. Platforms like Belay, Time, and even Facebook groups can help you land gigs. All you need is a decent internet connection and some organizational skills, and you’re good to go.

Hours and pay for virtual assistants can vary wildly. Some clients might ask for a few hours of help each week, while others might need a part-time assistant. This flexibility means you can take on as much or as little work as you want. Some gigs are long-term, which means a steadier stream of income.

Online Tutoring – You Don’t Need a Classroom

Online tutoring could be your jam if you love to see others get wiser from your words. There’s always someone looking for a tutor: languages, math, music, science, programming, you name it. The best part is that you get to help others learn without leaving your house.

If you have a solid grasp of a subject, you can share your knowledge with students from all over the world. Better still, you don’t need a certificate. VIPKid, Chegg Tutors, Tutor.com, and Udemy for example, are perfect to get you started and connect with students.

You set your own hours and rates and can fit the tutoring sessions into your busy mom schedule. Teach when the kids are at school or after they’ve gone to bed. And you can do it all from the comfort of your home without having to commute or adhere to a strict schedule.

Another great thing about online tutoring is that you don’t necessarily need to have formal teaching experience. If you’re knowledgeable and passionate about a subject, and can prove this to the platform of choice, you can still teach. Even better if you have niche skills that aren’t common in formal education.

Crafting and Selling Handmade Goods – It’s Not Just a Hobby

All you craft-loving moms, turn your hobby into a business. If you love pottery, sewing, woodworking, knitting, jewelry making, or painting, there’s a market for handmade goodies. Etsy and Instagram make it easy to sell them.

Turning crafting passion into a business is a great way to earn money while doing something you already love. Showcase your work on social media, share behind-the-scenes peeks, and connect with other crafters. People love unique, handmade items, and you might just find a loyal customer base for your style.

Take high-quality photos, write descriptions that explain the how and the why, and set your prices. Share your work on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest – many handicraft enthusiasts use these sites. Share images of yourself in the midst of creation, new products, and special offers.

Don’t be afraid to get creative with your marketing. Host giveaways, collaborate with other crafters, and use hashtags to get a broader reach. Happy customers are more likely to leave positive reviews and recommend your shop to others.

Blogging and Affiliate Marketing – Share Your Story

Blogging and Affiliate Marketing – Share Your Story

Ever thought about starting a blog? A blog lets you share experiences and connect with others. What’s more, with affiliate marketing you can earn money.

Express yourself and share your passions with the world. Pick a niche that excites you and that would never feel like a burden, even if you regularly write about it. Go to WordPress or Blogger to start the blog and share your posts on social media to build an audience. Once you’ve got some traffic, sign up for affiliate programs like Amazon Associates or ShareASale. Write honest reviews and include affiliate links to earn commissions on sales.

A successful blog takes time and effort, but it can truly pay off if your content is quality. Also, respond to comments and messages so the blog doesn’t feel insular. The more you connect with readers, the more likely they are to return and share your blog with others.

As for affiliate marketing, by recommending products and services that you use, you can earn a commission on sales that people make through your links. However, be transparent with your readers about your affiliate relationships.

Social Media Management – Paid to Scroll

If you’re already a social media whiz, why not get paid for it, too? Social media managers create content, engage with followers, and analyze performance for companies – and it’s a massively growing business.

You can do it from anywhere and set your own hours. Both of which are perfect for moms. Offer your services to small businesses in your community or look for remote gigs on job boards like Indeed or Glassdoor.

Just know that as a social media manager, you’ll need to stay on top of trends and algorithms. But if you’re good at learning and adapting to new features on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, or wherever else the gig takes you, you’ll be golden.

Pro tip: Hootsuite or Buffer let you schedule posts and manage multiple accounts efficiently.

Show your own social media accounts as proof of your skills – think of it as your living resume. Share your insights on social media strategy, content creation, and engagement to attract clients. And measure your success with analytics; know what works and what doesn’t to deliver better results for clients.

Remote Customer Service – Help Out From Home

Remote Customer Service – Help Out From Home

Many companies use remote customer service reps to handle inquiries, process orders, and provide support. This job is usually a steady stream of income but doesn’t demand skills you have to go to school for.

Big hitters like Amazon, Apple, or American Express might have some opportunities for you, like remote positions with flexible hours. One thing you’ll need is a quiet space to work, a reliable connection, and a good headset. Quiet may not be easy to find with kids around, but depending on their age or schedule, you can do it.

Customer service roles come with the benefit of training and support from the hiring company. This means you can get up to speed quickly, even if you don’t have prior experience.

Many remote customer service jobs have flexible schedules, like early mornings, late evenings, or weekends – whatever fits best.

You’ve Got This, Super Mom

There are some awesome ways to make money from home without sacrificing your family time. Write, teach, craft, manage social media, or be a virtual assistant. There’s an opportunity out there that fits your skills and schedule. You just have to find something you enjoy. Of course, you don’t want to add even more stress to your life, rather find a fun way to contribute financially while being there for your family. You’ve got the skills, the drive, and the heart to make it work. Now go out there and make some money. And while you’re at it, check out BlurBay for more tips.

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