CREATED: 05.01.2025UPDATED: 05.01.2025

How withdrawals work on BlurBay

How withdrawals work on BlurBay

As soon as your content has made the first sale and the transaction has finished processing (7 days maximum), you can access the funds on the Withdraw page under My business.

You can withdraw to the bank accounts located in the European Union, United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.

If you’d like to withdraw to a different country’s bank account, then write to BlurBay support and we might add your country to the list.

Individual or legal entity?

You can withdraw the funds as an individual or legal entity.

As an individual you’ll need to fill in your name, date of birth and the bank account details.

As a legal entity you’ll need to fill details about the legal entity: country, name, address and the bank details.

Will I get an invoice when withdrawing?

Legally you are selling your content to BlurBay and BlurBay will sell your content. BlurBay will get the right to only sell your content on the BlurBay platform and you can stop the sales process at any time by removing your content or disabling subscriptions.

When you go to the withdraw page and select the amount you’d like to withdraw, we’ll generate a sales invoice for you and its contents is that you made a sale in the amount to BlurBay. The invoice can be used for your accounting purposes if needed.

This process makes it the easiest for you to set up your account and will allow us to ask the least information necessary from you. In addition, the buyers will not be able to see your personal details as BlurBay will appear as the seller.

Sales tax for the buyers is handled by BlurBay and if you have an accountant, they will only need the invoices generated during the withdrawal process.

Is tax added to the invoice?

The invoice generated will not include any tax in almost all cases as it is usually international trade.

Individual – no tax is added to your invoice.

Legal entity – no sales tax (GST or VAT) is added, unless your legal entity is in Estonia (because BlurBay’s legal entity is in Estonia)

Estonian legal entity – if you are an Estonian legal entity and are eligible for VAT in Estonia, then VAT(22%) is added to your invoice, so BlurBay will transfer the withdrawn amount plus VAT to your bank account.

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